Monday, 22 September 2014

London Grammar eh?!

After rifling through my iTunes I came across an album I got around a year ago, I had forgot its sheer awesome-ness, until I pressed play.

So London Grammar are a British band, formed of three members. It’s hard to pinpoint who or what they sound like, but I think that’s what gives them charm. Their album, If You Wait came out a while ago, but unlike some albums that start to feel a bit dated after a few months, this album is like a little pot o’ gold.

It has songs to help its listeners through every part of their day, (am I the only person who listens to music reflecting their day?!?!). The melodic feature that comes with their music, is one that I feel isn’t as accessible in modern music as it once was (especially that in the Top 40) I would go so far as to say that it is hypnotic.


After rekindling my love for London Grammar I began traipsing around YouTube to see if there were other songs available that were not on the album, and guess what? There is! While, yes, there are only a few, they are little gems, London Grammar have also done a couple of sessions for the Radio 1 Live Lounge, for those of you who don’t know what the Radio 1 Live Lounge is, it is where current artists come into the Live Lounge and perform covers. London Grammar offer some brilliant covers, that are worth a gander!

So it’s time for you glorious people to go and give your ears a treat. Let me know what you think!

You can follow them on twitter at @londongrammar

Monday, 15 September 2014


The ramblings of a twenty something will be exactly that, ramblings.

I will offer reviews on various items, or discuss things that have interested me throughout the past week, this is not to say that I am endorsing the products or what they connote in any way. It is merely my own opinion.

I hope that you enjoy reading my blog, it’d be great to hear from you, whether that is you commenting on my posts or suggesting things for me to cover.


A little about myself,

Twenty- something (guess you figured that out already), I have a tendency to be very sarcastic- which can often get me into trouble. I watch A LOT of films and listen to A LOT of music, of all genres! (Just ask any of my former housemates) – also any suggestions would be welcomed! Also I have a dog, who I love – so if there is a lull one week, you may just get a picture of his snout as my input for the week, soz guys. If any of you would like me to post links to your sites, just give me a shout and I will try my best.

I am also trying to find work in the media industry so any helpful insights would also be greatly appreciated.


Thank you for reading this, and enjoy!