Monday, 12 January 2015

The Theory Of Everything.

I saw this film last week and you know what? Its bloomin marvellous.

Its part biopic and part love story about the life of Steven Hawking. Starring Felicity Jones and Eddie Redmayne with a wonderful supporting cast featuring names such as David Thewlis and Maxine Peake amongst others.

I think it may be one of the best films I’ve seen in years, that’s why I urge you all to go and see it. (or just go make the most out of Orange Wednesdays before they finish).  You become totally enraptured by the film when watching it, unlike many films where you may find yourself thinking- crap, I wonder if I closed the bathroom window, or- ah man, I need a wee- and I’m in the middle of the row, shit, people are going to hate me.  YOUR BLADDER WILL WAIT FOR THIS FILM.

The film is well produced and brilliantly scripted. However I really think that it is the cast that carries the film.  Eddie Redmayne is amazing! One of the best performances I’ve seen. He really transforms into Steven Hawking and truly deserves the Golden Globe for best actor that he got last night.  After watching a few of the promos on Film 4, I learnt that he (Eddie) created a chart for each scene- marking the decline of muscular control in order to ensure for continuity and reality. I’ll tell ya what, it sodding worked. It was really brilliantly played. YOU GO EDDIE!

I enjoyed the fact that it was not portrayed as a sob-story, the lead character was exactly that- the lead; not some shrivelling form of a character. Considering the content, this was really nice to see.

However, just to warn you, it may not be a “I feel sorry for you” sort of emotional, but it is a “dear god, what is the meaning of life” sort of emotional. I cried, and I never cry – the most you’ll get is a watery eye. So if it can move somebody with the emotional capacity of a clock, well good luck to those of you who cry normally!

The cinematography and score are on a whole other level, and they complement it really well- the thing that is great with this film is that it doesn’t lack in any form, which, recently, I have found a fair few films doing.

I can’t really explain any more without ruining the film, but it really is a wonderful film, so go and see it, let me know what you think.

Monday, 5 January 2015

50 Shades.

Most of you are probably thinking… you’re two years too late for this love. You know what? You’re probably right.

I thought I would give it a read anyway so see what all the hype is about, and to be honest I didn’t find it that amazing. If all you want is an easy read- go for it, it’s not mentally tedious, and is fairly simple.

I’m guessing most of you know vaguely what it’s about, and if not basically, it’s meant to be an erotic love story. Let me tell you more…

You can seem to get all three (it’s a trilogy) in special offers at various places which makes it pretty cost effective. Or, you can do what I did- and pop into your local charity shop… I managed to get all three for £2.25!  I mean you might have to deal with the awkward conversation between you and the person behind the till –which is normally along the lines of

Them: “ooo that looks nice, good bargain that! I could do with this myself”. Me:Haha yeah it’s nice isn’t it.” then *awkward stare at the floor. However with these particular books you may have to deal with- as I did -

Them:“ooo I love those books, the second book is so much better. It’s soo good some of my pages have got stuck together” *wink.   Me: ”ah, erm, right, ha” then *throw up in mouth, and rush home to Dettol surfaces of book. 

So if you don’t mind these awkward comments, have a gander round the charity shops to see what you can find.

As for the book itself – I’ve only read the first one so far, and it’s wayyy more tame than I expected. I think I expected so much more because there was so much hype around the book and its apparent raunchiness, but to be honest I was a little disappointed, there wasn’t that much- and I’ve read worse. Another element that it was lacking in was the whole story line- it seemed to be quite jumpy and didn’t have much to it. To be fair, it is stemmed from a Twilight Fanfic- so what can you expect (oooo burrrrnn). One thing that I didn’t really get that a lot of my friends who have read it seem to go on about is the ‘love story’ element of the book- I wouldn’t count it as a ‘love story’- more like a ‘psychotic controlling stalker- story’. I’m just saying- if you were in a relationship like that (go and read the book to know what I’m on about) - and think it’s normal. Well. Then. You have issues. You should really… RUN FOR THE BLOODY HILLS AND NEVER LOOK BACK.

The thing with this book is that people make assumptions as soon as they see the cover because it has so much hype around it. People WILL judge you for reading it- I can’t even begin to describe the judgmental glares on the tube, you know that they are all thinking “ oooo, know what she’s reading about…”. However it wasn’t that that got me, it was my friends and family who haven’t read the book that seemed to be the most ‘opinionated’ about me reading it (or maybe they were just the ones who told me what they really thought, so be prepared). And what did they think I hear you ask. Well. Apparently, if you read this book, and are a single 20-something. YOU ARE A SEX-FIEND.

I beg to differ.

Another reason that I wanted to read this book was because it is being turned into a film. (Being released on Valentine’s day- urrgh.) I wanted to know how they would do this without it basically being up-market porn, and to be honest, I still don’t know.

Really, who is going to see it? I just think it’s going to be a massive flop. You’re not gonna go with your mates to see it, or your significant other, or on a date, and if you go on your own that’s just a little strange. The only way that I think it could save itself it though DVD sales and merch, but that’s still pushing it.

So dear readers, if you want to read something senselessly easy with mild bits of story line and sexual imagery, go for it. This is the book for you. However if you want something with more ummph to it, avoid it like the plague.

Let me know what your views about the book and its transformation to film are, write a comment or drop me an email. I’m interested in hearing your views. I’ll let you know what I think of the other two books in duration.