Saturday, 15 November 2014

The Book of Life (film)

Who’s seen it?

For those of you who haven’t, it’s an animation revolving around the Day of the Dead which is a Mexican festival celebrating those who have passed. With a brilliant cast its a pleasure to watch.

The animation itself is brilliant, and it’s nice to see a different style to the standard Disney/Pixar or even Burton animation. While, yes, I do have to admit that it is a little Burton-esk, especially in content matter. It is still different and new, and because of that it is deffs worth a watch.

Some of you may think that because it is about the Day of the Dead that it may not be appropriate for younger audiences, but think again. The way that this film is delivered makes it appropriate for audiences of all ages. The thing that is nice about this is it is not dummed down in order to appeal to such a wide range of people. There is something for everybody!

But, back to the Burton-esk thing. Who’s seen Corpse Bride? You know that bit where the underworld is way better than the living world. Well. It’s kinda similar in this film, but it is well done and comes across as more vibrant than the Corpse Bride (this is not to say that they Corpse Bride is not well done- it just has a different feel). Therefore it’s worth going to see.

Unfortunately there is a lull in the film, which does make you ask “when is it going to end?” but it soon picks up again and helps to round the story off quite nicely- so power through people!

Overall, this is a very good film. It’s good to see a new style of animation as well as including a holiday that isn’t Christmas or Easter. Because of this, it’s really worth a watch, get the whole family involved. (trailer is below)

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