Monday, 29 December 2014

Happy New Year

In all honesty, recently – I’ve found myself in a bit of a rut. Graduating from Uni, moving back in with my mum and dad, as well as having no luck whatsoever finding a job.

Having all of these elements makes it quite difficult to think of all the things I’ve achieved this year, and with the new year upon us and everybody being all “OMG I’ve had the most A M A Z I N G G G G year blah blah blah” I find myself zoning out or imagining them with a Mohawk whilst trying to fain interest.  

BUT REALLY if I look back on the year, I have achieved a HELL OF A LOT.

Like, seriously, I graduated from uni!?! How the hell did that happen- yes there were moments of doubt that it would ever happen, along with mild hysterical outbursts of crying in the library as all the days merged into one. The security guard knew me well by the end of it, and did not question my choice to bring my sleeping bag, shower gel and toothpaste into uni (I think he knew better not to ask really, as I started to look / behave like a madwoman, I like to think it’s because I created a pal- but probs not).

Another thing is I worked Glastonbury festival for heaven’s sake, it was mental! (So was the smell- but lets not go there…). Like seriously, not many people get to do that- guiding people who are tripping out to the nearest cesspit- or as they put it ‘toilet’- just a little note dear readers, these toilets are harder to judge than you may think, and resulted in weeing on myself on the first day. So take your time, and aim. In addition I got to access backstage areas, saw some of my favourite artists- and even managed to take a shower the temperature of the artic- yes my pals, staff have showers MWAHAHAHA. While, yes, my tent did rip on the second day, as did my roll-mat and there was a thunderstorm resulting in everything being damp for the whole 10 days, it did allow me to make friends with the hot lads across from us who did help to make light of my er, situation – silver lining I suppose? I mean, hell, I’ve even had work on a feature film this year! I can’t say much about it until it comes out, but when it does, you lot will be the first to hear about it!

 And these are just the ones that come to mind!

So back to my point, while yes, things may be a bit shit at the moment- I have had a pretty decent year. I mean it’s not ideal that I’m back in with M&D, and I may revert back to the adolescent “your ruining my life” line once in a while – but really, they’re pretty awesome.

But this is the thing.

We all focus on the negative stuff in our lives (don’t worry I’m not going to get all preachy on you), and it’s difficult to remember the good stuff.

However I saw something on Buzzfeed the other day (friggin love Buzzfeed), which I am going to try, and I urge you lot to do too.                  

It’s basically a jar, with a slot at the top, and when something good happens you write it down and pop it into the jar- at the end of the year you open the jar, and it gives you a chance to remember the good bits. So if like me, at the end of the year you generally look back and think… ahhh bollocks, maybe this will help.


I’ll let you know at the end of 2015.

But for now, thank you for reading, and have an amazing 2015.

Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Christmas Post

Not a lot to say this week, so I'll just wish you all a wonderful Christmas. It's tomorrow. Eek!

Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Christmas Films, the Marmite of the season.

Christmas is well and truly here, with that comes an abundance of Christmas related entertainment. You'll either embrace it, or decide to cocoon yourself in a duvet until it's over.

I cocoon.

Truthfully- I’m a bit of a scrooge when it comes to Christmas films. I especially hate it when Christmas films are on telly in the middle of July – seriously, what’s that about? You’re always going to get the shockingly awful and predicable scripts, let alone story lines: Childhood sweethearts reunited, dad home for Christmas, reconciliation and basically, a ‘happy Christmas’. WOAH didn’t see that one coming. (Although I do have a lot of time for Meet me in St. Louis- not gonna lie.)
Yet recently I worked on a Christmas film with the wonderful Building Block Films and Zion Creative- and actually enjoyed it. Crazy stuff right?!
This film is different, and certainly worth a watch. (Yes, I am slightly bias, but deal with it.) It's a short, so won't take much of your time - none of that 90mins business.
I’ve put it below so you can.

Santa Vs. Santa

They’re both awesome companies and I ask that you have a look at their websites- spread the word. All the lads are a pleasure to work with- absolute gems, and make for a really fun environment.  Got questions? Hit them up!
Zion Creative


I get that some people like all this fuzzy Christmas film lark- and that's great if you do, I don't mean to put a downer on it. So tell me if you like or don't like Christmas films and most importantly- why. I want to know.

Much festive cheer.

Monday, 8 December 2014

Life can be just so damn punny!

 Bloody love this card.

Puns eh?! I genuinely think they’re SO underrated. Everybody is all about the whole sexual innuendo, and don’t get me wrong I love them as much as the next person. Yet, if you’re working around littlens’ you can’t whack out your best willy joke can you?! I mean you can… but I wouldn’t recommend it.

So puns are bloody marvellous, adding humour to your day- appropriate for a range of audiences. Yet I think that people are forgetting the glory that is.

The best bit is that cards are becoming more readily available with a variety of puns for all occasions! (I’ll post one I gave my housemate for her birthday)

So I challenge you dear readers, let’s get more puns in our lives! Use them more often, make your friends laugh. Most importantly, get inventive.

Monday, 1 December 2014

Clutch Clutchedy Clutch.


 Its so Pretty.

So with the festive season upon us, it’s time for our mandatory work-dos, nights out with friends, and Christmassy gatherings.

It’s a time for everybody to get dressed up to the nines and look hawwwt. Yet there is always the issue of “where can I put my stuff”. If you’re a guy, it’s no problem- as tailors and shops generally provide pockets. Don’t take them for granted lads, as a girl it’s a right faff to find places to put your keys, phone, makeup and whatever other bits you may carry around with you.

This is where the glorious clutch comes in.

It’s not too big to take the attention away from a bitchin outfit, but it can also add to said bitchin outfit by complementing various details.  AND it deals with all the pesky little things we carry around for no apparent reason. (an example of this would be my deck of cards, Top Trumps and eyelash glue- I don’t know why I do it).

The best thing as well is that shops have started to sell clutch bags which have wrist straps. Some of you may think this is rather pointless, but believe me, when its wrapped around your wrist you don’t have to worry about putting it down somewhere and forgetting about it. (which I have done on many occasions)

They can also be pretty cheap too, so it’s good on the purse ;). Generally if you’re shopping in high-street shops you can get one for under £20, but if you’re super scrimpy like me, Primark sell clutches for around £6, I even got mine in the sale there for £3!!! £3 ladies! Three whole pounds. If that’s not a bargain, I don’t know what is.

So what I’s suggesting to you lovelies that if you’re worried about not having anywhere to put your bits and bobs without it drawing attention away from your outfit- invest in a clutch!

Have a wonderful festive season & party hard.