Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Christmas Films, the Marmite of the season.

Christmas is well and truly here, with that comes an abundance of Christmas related entertainment. You'll either embrace it, or decide to cocoon yourself in a duvet until it's over.

I cocoon.

Truthfully- I’m a bit of a scrooge when it comes to Christmas films. I especially hate it when Christmas films are on telly in the middle of July – seriously, what’s that about? You’re always going to get the shockingly awful and predicable scripts, let alone story lines: Childhood sweethearts reunited, dad home for Christmas, reconciliation and basically, a ‘happy Christmas’. WOAH didn’t see that one coming. (Although I do have a lot of time for Meet me in St. Louis- not gonna lie.)
Yet recently I worked on a Christmas film with the wonderful Building Block Films and Zion Creative- and actually enjoyed it. Crazy stuff right?!
This film is different, and certainly worth a watch. (Yes, I am slightly bias, but deal with it.) It's a short, so won't take much of your time - none of that 90mins business.
I’ve put it below so you can.

Santa Vs. Santa

They’re both awesome companies and I ask that you have a look at their websites- spread the word. All the lads are a pleasure to work with- absolute gems, and make for a really fun environment.  Got questions? Hit them up!
Zion Creative


I get that some people like all this fuzzy Christmas film lark- and that's great if you do, I don't mean to put a downer on it. So tell me if you like or don't like Christmas films and most importantly- why. I want to know.

Much festive cheer.

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