Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Birthdays Y'all.

They can be great and they can be not so great.

Sure, it’s amazing being able to celebrate it with the people that you love. But it also makes you realise what has happened in the last year. Whether this being good or bad. For me this year, it was a mixture of both.

The amazing thing is that it’s the one time of year you can see who actually gives a shit.

I was extremely fortunate to have a bunch of amazing friends who helped me party hard over a whole week, and I also received a big o’ bunch of lovely cards and messages too. It was bloomin’ marvellous.

However, if you’d have asked me say four/five months ago “who’s coming out for your birthday/who do you think will send you a card/message etc.” I would have told you pretty much a completely different group of people- apart from a few exceptions. And this is the thing; you never know who you’re going to meet, and what they’ll mean to you. Which is awesome.

The sad fact is that you also realise that people who you would once consider as some of your best friends, no longer are. This isn’t always a bad thing as it may actually be for the best depending on the situation. However, sometimes it comes a shock.  Luckily for me, I kinda saw it coming. Sure, I hoped that I would be wrong, but knew what would more than likely happen. And it did.

It’s also made me realise how easy it is to move on. Of course I wanted to remain close friends with all of these people, but in reality it wasn’t going to happen. The proof is in the pudding after all.

One way to look at it is that it means that you no longer have to waste time on certain people, but also spend time with people who actually matter, which is way better! (It’s also given me an excuse for a Facebook cull, which is actually rather exciting! No more derogatory thoughts going through my timeline!).

I’m not saying that if people don’t spend time with you or send you cards or messages on your birthday that you should stop talking to them, that’s ridiculous. What I am saying that if there has been a fractious relationship with individuals up to that point it gives you the ability to revaluate your relationships with them. This is what I have done anyway, and I’m happier for it.

All in all, I was an extremely fortunate person to have all of these people- a mixture of new and old friends, celebrating my birthday with me in various forms, a massive shout out to them.

Much love to all of you reading this overemotional crap. Let me know your thoughts on birthdays and what they reveal - get in touch via the usual alleyways.
Also, if it's your birthday soon... "Happy Birthday!".

For now, lets see what the next year brings.

1 comment:

  1. I hope your birthday was good my sweet - sorry I couldn't make it this year - lot of belated birthday love to you and I completely get where you are coming from - time moves on and things change and it's weird but also exciting! - Tasha
