Monday 12 January 2015

The Theory Of Everything.

I saw this film last week and you know what? Its bloomin marvellous.

Its part biopic and part love story about the life of Steven Hawking. Starring Felicity Jones and Eddie Redmayne with a wonderful supporting cast featuring names such as David Thewlis and Maxine Peake amongst others.

I think it may be one of the best films I’ve seen in years, that’s why I urge you all to go and see it. (or just go make the most out of Orange Wednesdays before they finish).  You become totally enraptured by the film when watching it, unlike many films where you may find yourself thinking- crap, I wonder if I closed the bathroom window, or- ah man, I need a wee- and I’m in the middle of the row, shit, people are going to hate me.  YOUR BLADDER WILL WAIT FOR THIS FILM.

The film is well produced and brilliantly scripted. However I really think that it is the cast that carries the film.  Eddie Redmayne is amazing! One of the best performances I’ve seen. He really transforms into Steven Hawking and truly deserves the Golden Globe for best actor that he got last night.  After watching a few of the promos on Film 4, I learnt that he (Eddie) created a chart for each scene- marking the decline of muscular control in order to ensure for continuity and reality. I’ll tell ya what, it sodding worked. It was really brilliantly played. YOU GO EDDIE!

I enjoyed the fact that it was not portrayed as a sob-story, the lead character was exactly that- the lead; not some shrivelling form of a character. Considering the content, this was really nice to see.

However, just to warn you, it may not be a “I feel sorry for you” sort of emotional, but it is a “dear god, what is the meaning of life” sort of emotional. I cried, and I never cry – the most you’ll get is a watery eye. So if it can move somebody with the emotional capacity of a clock, well good luck to those of you who cry normally!

The cinematography and score are on a whole other level, and they complement it really well- the thing that is great with this film is that it doesn’t lack in any form, which, recently, I have found a fair few films doing.

I can’t really explain any more without ruining the film, but it really is a wonderful film, so go and see it, let me know what you think.


  1. I need to see this film so badly! I knew that Eddie would do a wonderful job. Both this and The Imitation Game look astounding and I just know I'm going to cry at them. I love your reviews Immy, they're really well written! - Tasha

  2. The imitation Game is amazing! If you get the chance, see it.
    Thank you! Have you seen TTOE now?
