Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Charity Shops, Jumble Sales and Carboots.

For those of you who know me and for those of you who don’t, I appreciate a good charity shop haul.

Most of my friends are quite cold when it comes to charity shops, and will not step foot in one, unless I drag them in. When this happens, they normally have a face of thunder, (apart from the odd few who sodding love it like I do, seriously we hit carboots with the excitement of going out.)

The irony for those who hold ‘thunder face’ is that most of the time when they say “oh I like *whatever item*” it’s usually the second hand stuff.  SO THERE.

What I want to ask is why there’s such a hang up about charity shops/carboots or jumbles’ .  Just because its second hand doesn’t mean that it’s bad. I’ve found better quality stuff in a charity shop than say, in Primark, NewLook or Jack Wills. Another thing is, just because it’s second hand does not mean that somebody died in it. I mean, sure, there’s always a possibility. But it’s rare.

The thing is, for those of you who don’t want to wear what everybody else is wearing well then charity shops, carboots and jumbles’ are the way to go. Some of you may be thinking ‘sure, if you wanna wear what everybody was wearing 4 years ago’. Granted, this sometimes is the case. BUT if you have a rummage you can find some beauts, and not just that top you saw in H&M three years ago.

I mean, okay, you can get some stonking outfits for fancy dress etc, but there’s everyday items too.

People tend to forget that charity shops, carboots and jumbles aren’t just about clothes,  you can get a range of stuff from there for example I have seem to obtained an ungodly amount of DVDs, vinyl and books. In addition to picking up the odd bit of brick a brack during my visits.

So my challenge to you dear readers, is to step into a charity shop, go to a carboot sale or visit a jumble sale. I’m not telling you to buy stuff, just go and see what you can find; and don’t be afraid to get stuck in.


  1. Oh Immy this takes me back to Bath and our brief charity shop tours along Moorland Road! I have to agree with you though - the amount of books I've been able to get a hold of through second hand shops had been brilliant, and you're also right about the clothes, I've found many a hidden gem you just have to know where to look! - Tasha

  2. Brief for you maybe... I was there for hours aha! Its so true! I'm glad you've had successful charity shop hauls!
