Tuesday, 3 February 2015


Firstly, I'd like to apologise as I've neglected this for a few weeks. BUT. I'M BACK.  I wrote this a few weeks ago, but never posted it- so, enjoy.

You know what?  I sodding love Tumblr.

For those of you who have not stumbled across Tumblr – have you been living under a rock ?!! Even if you don’t have your own page, you can trawl through others- seriously go look up something of interest to you- believe me you’ll get hooked!

The thing with Tumblr is you can actually say what you think and nobody gives a damn. Unlike Facebook or Twitter where if people post about life, you generally just scroll through thinking “what an attention seeking whore.”  On Tumblr- you can do that, and you’re generally going to get a lot of other people supporting your views or making you chuckle, and that’s bloody amazing.

It’s like, when you want to get obsessive over something, have a rant, ask questions, post about life or whatever-  you can, and it’s totally fine! You don’t tend to get judged on Tumblr, you’re more likely to be commended. Therefore looking and reposing a million pictures of your celebrity crush is totally acceptable and I like that a lot.

I mean if you can’t post/search numerous pictures of Dan Smith from Bastille, Nico Mirallegro, Matt Lewis or Douglas Booth to name but a few on a website to help you procrastinate from whatever you are actually meant to be doing and have fellow fans obsess over them with you- well, what is the darn point of the internet?!?

The thing I really love is the support you can get when posting your thoughts, because it makes you realise that you’re not as weird as you once thought you were!

For example- when I posted about the fact I was pissed that my housemate broke my fibre-optic Christmas tree- a darling “Anon” commented that I should “melt candy canes in their eyes to show them the true meaning of Christmas” as way of revenge. While a little sadistic, it did make me smile- notgonnalie.

Another thing with the conversational element of Tumblr is that you can ask questions and people will tell you the outright truth (which is sometimes a bit harsh, yet refreshing.) People aren’t afraid to tell you that you’ve been a dick or that you done the right thing…. I mean I’ve asked questions like:

1.       Q. Is it wrong that I enjoy driving with my subs on- resulting in me looking like a total prick?

A.      As long as you’re under 30 its fine. (Apparently)

2.       Q. Was it wrong to make out with some guy for 3 Jagerbombs and a packet of Mini Cheddars?

A.      No, as long as it was a big packet of Mini Cheddars. (Yes it was)

3.       Q. Is it strange that I find Tom Jones mildly attractive?

A.      Nope, he’s a silver fox. (True story bro.)

4.       Q. Was I too harsh- getting revenge on my housemates in crazy ways for weeks of not washing their stuff up?

A.      You need to calm down. (You don’t understand.)


5.       Q. Does anybody else get really irritated by all the 13yr old boys dressing like Joey sodding Essex?

A.      I think it’s cute ( R E A L L Y ?!?!?!)


6.       Q. Does anybody else still enjoy climbing trees?

A.      Yes. (It’s the best thing.)



As well as other probing questions…


But sometimes you just need to get these things off of your chest!


It’s also great for getting into/ expressing film and TV fandoms (I love a good fandom) OH SO MANY GIFS,  and witty comments! I’ve got so much time for witty comments..

It also lets you find out what your friends are really thinking ( Although this can result in a lot of arguments! God, 6th form was a bitch-fest.) But if you can’t come to irrational conclusions through irrelevant posts- you’re missing the point of being a teenage girl right?


So really Tumblr can be a wonderful thing, as well as a steppingstone to mayhem. So proceed with caution. But enjoy.


  1. You're brilliant Immy - amazing questions, I love the responses you got! Welcome to the wonderful world of Tumblr! I tagged you for an award over on my blog! - Tasha
