Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Autocorrecting autocorrect.


So AutoCorrect has become the bane of my life. (slight exaggeration right there).


Lets be honest,  auto correct is meant to make us seem smarter than we actually are.  Got problems spelling long complicated words. Autocorrect/Autofills’ got yo back.
And that's great.

However, when it comes to the mediocre every day words, it just doesn’t cover it. At no point when typing “It’s” have I meant “tsunami” or wanted to turn “fucking” to “ducking” or “sure” to “sensuous” or even “out” to “overpowering”, and these are just the ones that I can think of now! What I want to ask is why? Why WHY W H Y. I'd like to ask my phone when have I ever needed to use the word “vitriolic” in everyday life? (It means mean btw), and why does it feel necessary to somehow slot it into nearly every text?

Well, autocorrect is just being VITRIOLIC. (Happy now?)

The other thing with Autocorrect/autofill is that when you’re trying to be sassy as fuck it’ll just screw you over. Look at the example below.




This is basically my friend bailing on me, by telling an obvious lie, so a “K” would be the perfect response right? NOT ACCORDING TO AUTOCORRECT. AUTOCORRECT WANTS TO MAKE ME LOOK LIKE A FOOL.

Why can’t programme developers (or whoever is in control of this) just sort out every day language before getting all clever on us?  Seriously, don’t run before you can walk sunshine.

Am I the only one who has problems with this? Let me know!

But for now,

Dear Mr/Mrs/Dr /Professor Autocorrect.

Sort your life out.

Thursday, 19 March 2015

TOTAL (actually partial) ECLIPSE OF THE HEART (actually sun)

Those of you who know me personally and for those of you who don’t, I love space.

Not as in the space around you (although I do appreciate that) as in the galaxy and all the other bits that are kinda essential to Earth.

Luckily for me, there’s going to be a solar eclipse. Tomorrow. 

And I’m super excited about it.

For those of you who don’t know what a solar eclipse is, it’s basically when the moon blocks out the sun for a little bit, and plunges us mere mortals into darkness for a few minutes.

However I must mention that if you Google it (other web-browsers are available) you’ll see how pretty awesome it looks. Yet if you decide to watch with your own peepers tomorrow WEAR PROTECTIVE EYEWEAR. Have a look online to see various suggestions, as your sunglasses from last year’s holiday to Barcelona will simply not cut it, and let’s be honest, you’d rather look like a bit of a prick for a few minutes than go partially blind for the rest of your life right?

When can I partially blind myself for the rest of my life I hear you ask? Well my loves, you’ll have to set your alarms because its 08.00 GMT, and those of you in the UK should see around 90% coverage. So for those of you who are willing to peel yourself away from the warmth of your bed I’m sure it’ll be worth it as it rarely happens.

If you guys are interested there’s going to be a special show on the BBC after it has happened on the subject so you can get educated on all of the sciencey stuff or just marvel at all the cool pictures.

I hope that for those of you who do decide to watch it that it’s awesome and you enjoy it.

Peace out.

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Selma [Film]

At last I’ve seen Selma.

As most of you know, this blog is generally me being quite angry/disappointed or just downright rude about certain things. If you’re new to this- hello & welcome.

But unfortunately for me, I can’t be demeaning to Selma and am seriously having problems faulting it.

Let me give you a brief overview on it… It focuses on Dr Martin Luther King Jr. in both his political and partially his private life. Set in the height of the American Civil Rights movement it show the struggles Black Americans had, and their fight to have the same rights as White Americans, it’s one of the most notable fights within modern history (I should know, I studied it at A Level) that has really influenced modern day society as we know it today… Anyway, this is a history lesson, although if you want one, let me know & I’ll happily give you one.  

In many of film awards this year it has held a fair presence, while not always winning its categories it has won some- which is better than none right!?  Although in my opinion it should have won way more than it did, as they were all so well deserved.

The directing is on point and has three wicked producers, one being Opra Winfrey, who also stars in it, tbh I didn’t even know she was in it until I saw her and was all like errr… Opra? But she acted her character really well. So kudos to her.

DOP has got some amazing shots that really help to take the film to the next level. Meaning that, even if you’re not into the subject matter, you should go and see it just for the technical aspects and score.

A little more on the score- while a little cliché having gospel music amongst orchestral (N.B. I have nothing against gospel music and quite like some of it.) It just seems that considering the subject matter it was the easy go-to option. This is literally my only criticism. I’m not in any way saying that it was bad- just predictable.

The performances by the main actors and actresses were outstanding, and deserve more notation then they have already received. They help to turn historical fact into a truly emotional and consuming film.

Yet again like most of my reviews, I don’t want to tell you the whole plot- especially if you wish to go and see it. But I will say that it is one of the best historically accurate films I’ve seen in a very long while. For now, here's the trailer to have a look at.

Go and see it, but just to warn you- take a hankie.