Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Autocorrecting autocorrect.


So AutoCorrect has become the bane of my life. (slight exaggeration right there).


Lets be honest,  auto correct is meant to make us seem smarter than we actually are.  Got problems spelling long complicated words. Autocorrect/Autofills’ got yo back.
And that's great.

However, when it comes to the mediocre every day words, it just doesn’t cover it. At no point when typing “It’s” have I meant “tsunami” or wanted to turn “fucking” to “ducking” or “sure” to “sensuous” or even “out” to “overpowering”, and these are just the ones that I can think of now! What I want to ask is why? Why WHY W H Y. I'd like to ask my phone when have I ever needed to use the word “vitriolic” in everyday life? (It means mean btw), and why does it feel necessary to somehow slot it into nearly every text?

Well, autocorrect is just being VITRIOLIC. (Happy now?)

The other thing with Autocorrect/autofill is that when you’re trying to be sassy as fuck it’ll just screw you over. Look at the example below.




This is basically my friend bailing on me, by telling an obvious lie, so a “K” would be the perfect response right? NOT ACCORDING TO AUTOCORRECT. AUTOCORRECT WANTS TO MAKE ME LOOK LIKE A FOOL.

Why can’t programme developers (or whoever is in control of this) just sort out every day language before getting all clever on us?  Seriously, don’t run before you can walk sunshine.

Am I the only one who has problems with this? Let me know!

But for now,

Dear Mr/Mrs/Dr /Professor Autocorrect.

Sort your life out.


  1. I have the tsunami incident! Most recent one of mine was turning back into brick - I'll be brick in about an hour - that would only make sense if I was turning into a house, which I wasn't at the time. Have to say, magnificent use of vitriolic my good friend, a word which I think should definitely be in everyday use! Love it! - Tasha

  2. I'm glad to hear you're not turning into a house Tasha haha, and thank you I felt like it was actually a good time to use the word!
    Hoping that you're well.
