Saturday, 11 April 2015

New music be blarin'


So in the last few months I’ve found that there’s been a bit of a lull in new decent music. Of course this is all subjective, but that’s just my opinion.

HOWEVER. In the last week or so I’ve found an abundance of new music that’s got me thinking “I should download that when I get home”. I don’t know if it has been the mix of me having a really quiet day at work which resulted to me actually listening to what the music channels were playing opposed to just considering them as a bit of soft porn in the background while I was serving drinks. Or whether I was just oblivious to all these new acts emerging, and now with the force I’m actually paying attention.

Either way, it’s about time.

I take a lot of joy in finding new artists and being ‘that friend’ who is always suggesting new stuff, so for me this is ruddy wonderful…

Consequently for those of you scrolling through your iPod thinking “crumbs, this could do with a massive update” DO NOT FEAR, THERE’S GOOD STUFF ON THE HORIZON.

Another thing that I’ve started to do is googling “if you like *artist/band* then you will like” and there are loads of message boards with a plethora of suggestions. It’s kinda like dominos when you do this, you find one you like and then a whole load of others come knocking down in your direction.

My suggestion for you deal pals is that if you had the same views as me earlier that you do this, there is really a lot of new stuff coming out at the moment and I’m sure you’ll find something to tickle your taste buds.

If you really feel like it, drop me a message and I’ll offer you up some suggestions.


Much love as always.


  1. I am always up for discovering new music! I've been spending a lot more time on Spotify recently and actually checking out the related artists section a lot more and by jove I have discovered some brilliant tracks! Also 8tracks is gold - enter a playlist name like Upbeat or Roadtrip and music ahoy there are tons of them on there, they even have playlists for fandoms and films such ad Doctor Who, for example, and the mixes are awesome, I've discovered so many good artist through that! - Tasha

  2. Spotify is amazing for that, I've been doing the same recently. I'll have to check out 8tracks too! Thanks Tasha!
