Thursday, 19 March 2015

TOTAL (actually partial) ECLIPSE OF THE HEART (actually sun)

Those of you who know me personally and for those of you who don’t, I love space.

Not as in the space around you (although I do appreciate that) as in the galaxy and all the other bits that are kinda essential to Earth.

Luckily for me, there’s going to be a solar eclipse. Tomorrow. 

And I’m super excited about it.

For those of you who don’t know what a solar eclipse is, it’s basically when the moon blocks out the sun for a little bit, and plunges us mere mortals into darkness for a few minutes.

However I must mention that if you Google it (other web-browsers are available) you’ll see how pretty awesome it looks. Yet if you decide to watch with your own peepers tomorrow WEAR PROTECTIVE EYEWEAR. Have a look online to see various suggestions, as your sunglasses from last year’s holiday to Barcelona will simply not cut it, and let’s be honest, you’d rather look like a bit of a prick for a few minutes than go partially blind for the rest of your life right?

When can I partially blind myself for the rest of my life I hear you ask? Well my loves, you’ll have to set your alarms because its 08.00 GMT, and those of you in the UK should see around 90% coverage. So for those of you who are willing to peel yourself away from the warmth of your bed I’m sure it’ll be worth it as it rarely happens.

If you guys are interested there’s going to be a special show on the BBC after it has happened on the subject so you can get educated on all of the sciencey stuff or just marvel at all the cool pictures.

I hope that for those of you who do decide to watch it that it’s awesome and you enjoy it.

Peace out.


  1. I am very excited for this! I am going to try and spot it tomorrow but I'm not sure if it will be viewable from where I am but here's hoping! Let me know how your intergalactic viewing goes my friend! Great post - Tasha

  2. How did it go Tasha?
    It was super cloudy my way, but you could tell it was happening!
    Happy days!
