Monday 3 November 2014

Finding work as a graduate


Get a degree they said, it’ll get you further they said, it’ll be easier to get employed they said…

What a load of balls.

While I think that my university experience have been the best years of my life so far, and I wouldn’t change it for the world. The idea that it is a way for an easier employment is a pure fabrication. I graduated this July and have still not found anything.

I have to remind myself that there are thousands of others out there finding themselves in the same boat if they did not study something vocational, but rather topic based. WHY IS IT SO HARD? We are all well-educated, and are capable to do the job, yet we cannot get a break! Has anybody else come across the “we can’t offer you a job without experience/ you cannot get experience without previous job” clause? I can’t seem to win.

It is not to say that there is nobody out there trying to help, as there are various sites for recent graduates. I just feel that it is the sheer volume of people looking for work that is causing all the disappointment. It’s just so competitive.

The other thing that is making me go that little bit more crazy is when you are applying for a position, and you either get no response/ acknowledgement to your application, or you get another rejection, with no constructive criticism. Yes, I realise that it would be a tedious task to write back to every applicant the bits that they need to improve on, but it would be invaluable! Even if it is a generic tick-box system!

Is anybody out there having any luck with job hunting? Have any tips, or are having the same issues?

I realise that this is not really a “lifestyle” post as such. I just feel that it is an important issue that needs to be discussed.


  1. I feel you my good friend! Some graduate jobs are happy to train you up because you'll be fresh out of uni, but others want you to have at least a years' worth of experience. It isn't entirely fair, but stay positive, keep up your volunteering and applying and something will come along - that's what I keep telling myself too. :) - Tasha xxx

  2. It is difficult, and seems to be never ending. But I am glad to hear that you are staying positive & hopefully something will come your way soon!
