Monday 9 February 2015


BAFTAsBAFTAsBAFTAs BAFTAsBAFTAsBAFTAsBAFTAsBAFTAsBAFTAsBAFTAsBAFTAsBAFTAs. This is what has been going through my head recently.

So I hope that some of you watched it last night in all its glory.

The one thing I really like about the BAFTAs is that while it’s considered a super prestigious award, it hasn’t got all the prestigious bullshit like some of its neighbouring awards.  Because of that, it’s actually worth a watch. If you don't know much about the nominees from this year, have a look at this.

As per, the glamorous and talented (and the not-so) were out in force last night for the awards, and thankfully the BBC televised the whole darn lot. Mum and I took over the living room- blankets, tea and rainbow-drops everywhere; and it was ruddy marvellous.

Everybody was looking so fancy in their dresses and suits (who cannot love a man in a suit) & it was nice to see that all the stops were pulled out. Stephen Fry was on top form as usual with his witty comments and sexual advances, and actually was a fairly decent host in comparison to some hosts in previous years. He did particularly well not to do a JohnTravolta!

However, it has to be said that none of the award winners were really a surprise, apart from the odd few. So in that retrospect, it was a little disappointing, although it must be said that all of the awards were extremely well deserved.  You can find a full list of the nominees and winners here. I won’t put it here in case you lovelies haven’t watched it yet.

The acceptance speeches were a little emosh. this year, like way more than normal. We had a few watery eyes, and A LOT of mentions of mums and dads. (The whole mum and dad thing surprised me, as most people stick to their spouse, kids, agents and directors etc.) And BLESS EDDIE REDMAYNE, you could see him shaking from a mile off!

Unfortunately I missed all the hype on Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr and Facebook as the internet on my phone conked out which was BALLS. In previous years I’ve found that getting involved on these platforms is half the fun! Readers, I ask you to look at all of your standard social media outlets and just get lost in the BAFTA hype,  get chatting, discussing or even arguing with fellow BAFTA nerds. It’s so.

All in all this year’s BAFTAs were wonderful as usual, with some really deserving winners. If you missed it, and want to watch it in all its glory, click the link.




  1. I didn't watch the BAFTAS this year but my Twitter timeline was filling up with Tweets about dresses and the best moments. My highlight was seeing all the adorable pictures of Benedict Cumberbatch and his wife Sophie cuddling up together, they're so lovely together and I was pleased to see Eddie do so well, he's so talented. I enjoyed your John Travolta mention! :D - Tasha

  2. ohhh Beryl Cumbersatchel ! What a babe, Eddie is amazing, have you got round to watching TToE yet?
