Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Ghostly going-ons!


Are they real? Are they fake?

Well, that’s up to you to decide, I’m not sure myself, but I’m starting to sway more to their existence. A few things have happened during my lifetime that makes me think this. Some may say that the amount of horror films and ‘ghost’ programmes (Ghost Adventures anyone?)  I watch may be influencing my decision. But there is more.

I’ll explain, I’ve had things moving, changes in temperatures (no, my heating was not just turning off). During my time at uni, I even had breathing in my ear – ending up with me calling my parents to collect me INSTANTLY!

Is it just the unknown that we are scared of, or is it the fact that we have no control over it? What do you lot think? I’m genuinely interested.

My housemates and I even downloaded a ghost detector (Windows 8.1 store, if anybody is interested). I don’t think it worked, but it certainly got our hearts pumping! During these moments of madness we also found different ways to tell if there were any ‘spirits’ present, now I don’t know if our minds were just playing tricks on us, but there were a hell of a lot of the things on the list we could tick off!

Have any of you ever had any “incidents” of the supernatural kind, or do you believe it’s all hocus pocus, tricks of the mind or creations of the imagination? Let me know, I’d love to hear from you.

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