Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Instagram... What is it and should I ?

So I am new to this whole Instagram business, at first I thought it was just another pointless phase that society seemed to be going through.

Like, what is the point? Surely it’s just like Facebook and Twitter without all the crap boring bits, right? RIGHT. This is what grabbed me, so I unwittingly signed up thinking that I wouldn’t get too enraptured by it, was this the case? Wrong.

I seem to find myself thinking “ah, I should Instagram that” more often than not. However in my case, I’m not sure that many people will have the greatest need to see my concert tickets from a year ago, my over stacked bookshelf or even my morning coffee- but hey ho. That’s the deal, and people seem to like it.

If many people start to feel this way, which I am sure they do, are we just looking for acceptance like any other social media output through the idea of portraying our lifestyles as aspirational without the mundane elements. Or is Instagram in fact a place where people get to showcase their “photography” (although I wouldn’t class some of the things I’ve seen as photography- we can all take a blurry photo of us on a night out and put a filter on it, it doesn’t make it a good photo).

I feel that while it may have its dark side like any popular entity, that it also has a prosperous side. By this I mean that users are exposed to elements and ideologies that they would otherwise be oblivious to.   I myself have come across loads of wicked crafty ideas trawling through the “explore” section of Instagram, and I highly recommend that you check some of these users out, for example the various DIY accounts make for some interesting scrolling!

There are good and bad elements to get lost in with Instagram, but I just say, give it a go! What have you got to lose, it’s pretty easy to navigate around, and could open your eyes to new things!

Just be careful to not waste every waking moment on it…

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