Monday, 27 October 2014

Halloween's THIS week!!

So this week is Halloween, who’s excited?!?!

Apart from the abundance of pumpkins available, there seems to be little else for those above the age of 12. I have scoured the high street for Halloween things to do, or items that aren’t directly aimed at kids, and you know what lads, they don’t exist.

This makes me sad; I want to be able to enjoy the fun elements of Halloween as much as the next eight year old. So, out comes my skeleton onesie, scary pumpkin bunting and awesomely carved pumpkins (if I do say so myself).  The crap thing with being a twenty-something is that it’s no longer socially acceptable to go trick or treating! Damn it! Then again, in hindsight- you are literally begging for sweets. (Never thought of that before). 

With this whole trick or treating business, has anybody else noticed in the last few years that people are asking for money?!? It all started around 7 years ago. Where I live, we had one young child forced to sing to us, and his parents consequently asked for £5. Now I think this was a bit of a piss-take. Firstly, we did not want the kid to sing, secondly, it didn’t look like the kid wanted to sing himself, and finally, it’s a bloody cheek. Halloween is meant to be about innocent fun, with a spooky twist. Not a money making prospect for parents/carers.  These incidents have escalated in my local area, my mum told me last year that the same thing happened with two kids, and the adults asked for £10. I mean seriously, do people pay?? Have any of you experienced this?

Another brilliant element I love of Halloween is dressing up, but I am sick to the teeth of girls doing “slutty” versions of everything. While yes, sometimes it can be a laugh- there is a line. For example, dressing as a maid- okay, but is it really just an excuse to get your legs out, where as a murdered/zombie maid- go ahead! I’m starting to think that for some people Halloween is just an excuse to dress like a slut in public, with no element of the “scary”. What do you guys think? This aside, I have seen some AMAZING face painting on various sites, it’s amazing what some people can do, from china dolls, voodoo dolls, cereal (box) killer etc. If you are stuck for ideas, a quick search on Pinterest of Instagram will sort you out! It’s nice to see that more original ideas are now becoming more popular than the traditional witch/vampire etc. (not that there is anything is wrong with them!), but it is nice to see new things.

I realise this is more of a rant about Halloween, than anything else, so I apologise for that.

For those of you who enjoy Halloween for its traditional means, there are loads of food-related things to do for those of us who are a little too old to go trick or treating.

But for me this year, it’s going to be face paint, a few horror films, apple bobbing, friends and popcorn. Have a brilliant evening everybody!

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