Wednesday, 1 October 2014

The Riot Club

The Riot Club

So, the other day I decided to go to the cinema- not on a Wednesday (Orange Wednesdays= half price cinema party) but on a Saturday. However I was not prepared for the £8.55 cost, and that was with me swindling a student ticket with an out of date NUS card, keep them in your purse ladies and gents, you never know! My friend had to pay a whopping £10.50! No wonder more and more people are just waiting for the DVD to come out.

Back to my point. The Riot Club has a wonderful cast and a great director (e.g. she’s directed An Education amongst others.) The plot itself was a little strange; I didn’t really know what to make of it. It focuses upon an elitist society based at Oxford University (and is issued around a real club that the likes of David Cameron and other influential people were involved in.)

Audiences are subjected to the antics of the members of said society- the highs and the ultimate lows. The film itself is well produced, and it is easy to follow the story. Yet it is the subject matter that is a little alien. While yes, it is interesting, I feel that the elitism represented in the film was a little too difficult to relate to, but if you’re able to enjoy a film completely with an element of detachment, I would say go for it. Then again, either way I would say go for it, there are sure ways that I would have preferred it, especially the ending, but all in all it is actually a fairly good film. The actors in this film are brilliant (and not too hard on the eye!)  they allow for you as the audience to feel more involved with the film, which is deffs a good thing, it’s got to be said that this film does get very dark, very quickly  so bare that in mind if you decide to go and see it. It made me feel rather uncomfortable, and to put that into perspective, I’m used to watching some pretty screwed up stuff.

There are certain highs and lows about this film, but that’s just my personal opinion, overall I think it sways more to a positive side than a negative.

So go forth, watch some eye candy and messed up crap all at the same time.

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