Saturday, 18 July 2015

Glasto 15'

So I’d like to apologise for the radio silence. Things have not been great, but I’m working on it.
However amongst the ups and downs I have had the epic high of working at Glastonbury again this year.
And let me tell you… It was as insane as ever.
This year, my friend and I decided to go earlier as last year we were left lugging all our crap for miles. This was a super smart move as we managed to cut it by half the distance by being able to park closer, which is well worth it- believe me!
By going earlier it also allowed us to have a look at more of the stalls than last year. Sure, we didn’t get to see EVERYTHING, but in all honesty I think that’d take you at least a month!
As per, the acts were on top form. It’s got to be said that Jungle were my fave this year. (I always seem to find better acts on ‘The Other Stage’ opposed to the ‘Pyramid’) For those of you who decide to go next year- I highly recommend you hitting up this stage.
This is the thing with Glasto, sure you’ve got the Pyramid stage with all of your headliners. But in all honestly it’s difficult to enjoy the acts there- as you generally get rammed in like sardines, unable to move your arms. This is why you must visit the other stages too, not just the popular ones. For example, this year I got to see Gregory Porter at ‘West Holts’ which was phenomenal- while yes, a smaller stage- I could actually enjoy the performance.
The night life was as manic as ever, but also, as brilliant as ever (and that’s all I shall say).
The people that you meet are half the experience too.  I met guys who were completely off of their faces and just chatting amusing crap. I met people who had an ‘undying love’ and wished to share that with me. I also met people who just wanted to meet EVERYONE. This is half the fun, just meeting people that you would never meet otherwise; you must be pretty open minded because there is such a variety of people. Not gonna lie though, it does make me sad that I’ll never see them again…
Additionally things seemed to be more reasonably priced this year, opposed to last year. By this I don’t just mean food but the items you are able to purchase there too. I was super happy about this as last year things did seem rather extortionate. However it did mean that I ended up spending most of my money by the third day.
People’s costumes were amazing- such effort was put in. There’d just so much to see and do- the earlier you go the better!
Overall I had a very different Glastonbury to last year, I’m not sure if it was better, but it was surely different.
I highly recommend going for those of you who are unsure; even if it’s just for the experience.
Go get your Glasto on. 
Pictures and videos are available via all the usual outlets e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and web pages.

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Birthdays Y'all.

They can be great and they can be not so great.

Sure, it’s amazing being able to celebrate it with the people that you love. But it also makes you realise what has happened in the last year. Whether this being good or bad. For me this year, it was a mixture of both.

The amazing thing is that it’s the one time of year you can see who actually gives a shit.

I was extremely fortunate to have a bunch of amazing friends who helped me party hard over a whole week, and I also received a big o’ bunch of lovely cards and messages too. It was bloomin’ marvellous.

However, if you’d have asked me say four/five months ago “who’s coming out for your birthday/who do you think will send you a card/message etc.” I would have told you pretty much a completely different group of people- apart from a few exceptions. And this is the thing; you never know who you’re going to meet, and what they’ll mean to you. Which is awesome.

The sad fact is that you also realise that people who you would once consider as some of your best friends, no longer are. This isn’t always a bad thing as it may actually be for the best depending on the situation. However, sometimes it comes a shock.  Luckily for me, I kinda saw it coming. Sure, I hoped that I would be wrong, but knew what would more than likely happen. And it did.

It’s also made me realise how easy it is to move on. Of course I wanted to remain close friends with all of these people, but in reality it wasn’t going to happen. The proof is in the pudding after all.

One way to look at it is that it means that you no longer have to waste time on certain people, but also spend time with people who actually matter, which is way better! (It’s also given me an excuse for a Facebook cull, which is actually rather exciting! No more derogatory thoughts going through my timeline!).

I’m not saying that if people don’t spend time with you or send you cards or messages on your birthday that you should stop talking to them, that’s ridiculous. What I am saying that if there has been a fractious relationship with individuals up to that point it gives you the ability to revaluate your relationships with them. This is what I have done anyway, and I’m happier for it.

All in all, I was an extremely fortunate person to have all of these people- a mixture of new and old friends, celebrating my birthday with me in various forms, a massive shout out to them.

Much love to all of you reading this overemotional crap. Let me know your thoughts on birthdays and what they reveal - get in touch via the usual alleyways.
Also, if it's your birthday soon... "Happy Birthday!".

For now, lets see what the next year brings.

Thursday, 7 May 2015

Shake It, Shake it, Shake it like a Polaroid picture.

Firstly I would like to apologise for neglecting this blog but I have been a super busy bee and FINALLY I have a moment to myself, so here we go!


In this post I would like to have a little natter about Polaroid’s. For those of you who don’t remember the hype of their second revival in the late 90’s/early 00’s fear not. IT’S BACK WITH A VENGANCE.

DISCLAIMER: The word ‘Polaroid’ is mentioned an obscene amount in this post.

For those of you who do not know what Polaroid’s are pictures that are pictures that are printed instantly from the camera itself & you’re generally told to shake it, but tbh you don’t have to.

To be honest, I’m pretty happy about this. It’s really been happening over the past year, but I’d say it’s the last few months that people have really stepped up their Polaroid game; and I have been receiving many Polaroid’s in the post.

This is the thing, while digital is amazing, very few people actually print out their pictures. Which makes me ask the question…. What’s the point of taking them? Sure you can upload them onto various social media sites, and that’s great. But for those anti-technology days you may just want to have those photos in a physical form.

Polaroid’s take all the hassle of getting your film/digital photos developed out.

Granted, they’re not cheap. Yes. You can pick up the camera itself for a pittance if you don’t mind second hand bits and bobs. However if you want to get a brand new one it can get pretty expensive, considering that it is in fact old technology. Have a look here

Another cost that you must take into consideration when venturing into the Polaroid world is the cost of the actually Polaroid paper itself, which works out more expensive than getting your pictures developed.

But if you’re happy with all that, run with it, there’s nothing quite like a Polaroid.

However for those of you now thinking. Oh crud.  I can’t be dealing with all this cost. DO NOT WORRY.

There are other ways that you can get the look of a Polaroid, and that is by downloading a template, adding your picture and then printing them off on your own accord. Sure, it’s a load more of work, which kinda defeats the idea, but if you’re after the polo vibes at the fraction of the cost, this is how you’re going to have to do it.  See this fellow blogger.

So ladies and gents, either get ready to shake it or fake it.

Go get your Polaroid on.

Saturday, 11 April 2015

New music be blarin'


So in the last few months I’ve found that there’s been a bit of a lull in new decent music. Of course this is all subjective, but that’s just my opinion.

HOWEVER. In the last week or so I’ve found an abundance of new music that’s got me thinking “I should download that when I get home”. I don’t know if it has been the mix of me having a really quiet day at work which resulted to me actually listening to what the music channels were playing opposed to just considering them as a bit of soft porn in the background while I was serving drinks. Or whether I was just oblivious to all these new acts emerging, and now with the force I’m actually paying attention.

Either way, it’s about time.

I take a lot of joy in finding new artists and being ‘that friend’ who is always suggesting new stuff, so for me this is ruddy wonderful…

Consequently for those of you scrolling through your iPod thinking “crumbs, this could do with a massive update” DO NOT FEAR, THERE’S GOOD STUFF ON THE HORIZON.

Another thing that I’ve started to do is googling “if you like *artist/band* then you will like” and there are loads of message boards with a plethora of suggestions. It’s kinda like dominos when you do this, you find one you like and then a whole load of others come knocking down in your direction.

My suggestion for you deal pals is that if you had the same views as me earlier that you do this, there is really a lot of new stuff coming out at the moment and I’m sure you’ll find something to tickle your taste buds.

If you really feel like it, drop me a message and I’ll offer you up some suggestions.


Much love as always.

Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Autocorrecting autocorrect.


So AutoCorrect has become the bane of my life. (slight exaggeration right there).


Lets be honest,  auto correct is meant to make us seem smarter than we actually are.  Got problems spelling long complicated words. Autocorrect/Autofills’ got yo back.
And that's great.

However, when it comes to the mediocre every day words, it just doesn’t cover it. At no point when typing “It’s” have I meant “tsunami” or wanted to turn “fucking” to “ducking” or “sure” to “sensuous” or even “out” to “overpowering”, and these are just the ones that I can think of now! What I want to ask is why? Why WHY W H Y. I'd like to ask my phone when have I ever needed to use the word “vitriolic” in everyday life? (It means mean btw), and why does it feel necessary to somehow slot it into nearly every text?

Well, autocorrect is just being VITRIOLIC. (Happy now?)

The other thing with Autocorrect/autofill is that when you’re trying to be sassy as fuck it’ll just screw you over. Look at the example below.




This is basically my friend bailing on me, by telling an obvious lie, so a “K” would be the perfect response right? NOT ACCORDING TO AUTOCORRECT. AUTOCORRECT WANTS TO MAKE ME LOOK LIKE A FOOL.

Why can’t programme developers (or whoever is in control of this) just sort out every day language before getting all clever on us?  Seriously, don’t run before you can walk sunshine.

Am I the only one who has problems with this? Let me know!

But for now,

Dear Mr/Mrs/Dr /Professor Autocorrect.

Sort your life out.

Thursday, 19 March 2015

TOTAL (actually partial) ECLIPSE OF THE HEART (actually sun)

Those of you who know me personally and for those of you who don’t, I love space.

Not as in the space around you (although I do appreciate that) as in the galaxy and all the other bits that are kinda essential to Earth.

Luckily for me, there’s going to be a solar eclipse. Tomorrow. 

And I’m super excited about it.

For those of you who don’t know what a solar eclipse is, it’s basically when the moon blocks out the sun for a little bit, and plunges us mere mortals into darkness for a few minutes.

However I must mention that if you Google it (other web-browsers are available) you’ll see how pretty awesome it looks. Yet if you decide to watch with your own peepers tomorrow WEAR PROTECTIVE EYEWEAR. Have a look online to see various suggestions, as your sunglasses from last year’s holiday to Barcelona will simply not cut it, and let’s be honest, you’d rather look like a bit of a prick for a few minutes than go partially blind for the rest of your life right?

When can I partially blind myself for the rest of my life I hear you ask? Well my loves, you’ll have to set your alarms because its 08.00 GMT, and those of you in the UK should see around 90% coverage. So for those of you who are willing to peel yourself away from the warmth of your bed I’m sure it’ll be worth it as it rarely happens.

If you guys are interested there’s going to be a special show on the BBC after it has happened on the subject so you can get educated on all of the sciencey stuff or just marvel at all the cool pictures.

I hope that for those of you who do decide to watch it that it’s awesome and you enjoy it.

Peace out.

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Selma [Film]

At last I’ve seen Selma.

As most of you know, this blog is generally me being quite angry/disappointed or just downright rude about certain things. If you’re new to this- hello & welcome.

But unfortunately for me, I can’t be demeaning to Selma and am seriously having problems faulting it.

Let me give you a brief overview on it… It focuses on Dr Martin Luther King Jr. in both his political and partially his private life. Set in the height of the American Civil Rights movement it show the struggles Black Americans had, and their fight to have the same rights as White Americans, it’s one of the most notable fights within modern history (I should know, I studied it at A Level) that has really influenced modern day society as we know it today… Anyway, this is a history lesson, although if you want one, let me know & I’ll happily give you one.  

In many of film awards this year it has held a fair presence, while not always winning its categories it has won some- which is better than none right!?  Although in my opinion it should have won way more than it did, as they were all so well deserved.

The directing is on point and has three wicked producers, one being Opra Winfrey, who also stars in it, tbh I didn’t even know she was in it until I saw her and was all like errr… Opra? But she acted her character really well. So kudos to her.

DOP has got some amazing shots that really help to take the film to the next level. Meaning that, even if you’re not into the subject matter, you should go and see it just for the technical aspects and score.

A little more on the score- while a little cliché having gospel music amongst orchestral (N.B. I have nothing against gospel music and quite like some of it.) It just seems that considering the subject matter it was the easy go-to option. This is literally my only criticism. I’m not in any way saying that it was bad- just predictable.

The performances by the main actors and actresses were outstanding, and deserve more notation then they have already received. They help to turn historical fact into a truly emotional and consuming film.

Yet again like most of my reviews, I don’t want to tell you the whole plot- especially if you wish to go and see it. But I will say that it is one of the best historically accurate films I’ve seen in a very long while. For now, here's the trailer to have a look at.

Go and see it, but just to warn you- take a hankie.

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Charity Shops, Jumble Sales and Carboots.

For those of you who know me and for those of you who don’t, I appreciate a good charity shop haul.

Most of my friends are quite cold when it comes to charity shops, and will not step foot in one, unless I drag them in. When this happens, they normally have a face of thunder, (apart from the odd few who sodding love it like I do, seriously we hit carboots with the excitement of going out.)

The irony for those who hold ‘thunder face’ is that most of the time when they say “oh I like *whatever item*” it’s usually the second hand stuff.  SO THERE.

What I want to ask is why there’s such a hang up about charity shops/carboots or jumbles’ .  Just because its second hand doesn’t mean that it’s bad. I’ve found better quality stuff in a charity shop than say, in Primark, NewLook or Jack Wills. Another thing is, just because it’s second hand does not mean that somebody died in it. I mean, sure, there’s always a possibility. But it’s rare.

The thing is, for those of you who don’t want to wear what everybody else is wearing well then charity shops, carboots and jumbles’ are the way to go. Some of you may be thinking ‘sure, if you wanna wear what everybody was wearing 4 years ago’. Granted, this sometimes is the case. BUT if you have a rummage you can find some beauts, and not just that top you saw in H&M three years ago.

I mean, okay, you can get some stonking outfits for fancy dress etc, but there’s everyday items too.

People tend to forget that charity shops, carboots and jumbles aren’t just about clothes,  you can get a range of stuff from there for example I have seem to obtained an ungodly amount of DVDs, vinyl and books. In addition to picking up the odd bit of brick a brack during my visits.

So my challenge to you dear readers, is to step into a charity shop, go to a carboot sale or visit a jumble sale. I’m not telling you to buy stuff, just go and see what you can find; and don’t be afraid to get stuck in.

Sunday, 22 February 2015

50 Shades (Film)

So  ladies and gents. I actually went to go and see 50 Shades. And I don't really know what to say.


Firstly, let me paint you a picture. After being ear-bent by my friend to go and see it, I finally caved. This ‘friend’ later decided they no longer wanted to see it in fear of seeing somebody they knew at the cinema. However by this time I had my mind set about going to see it. So I did. On my own. How Awkward.

I’m not too sure if it was just the film or the crap content (see earlier post to read me slating the book), but I found it genuinely painful to watch.

The acting was rather wooden, and not helped by the score like some bad acting. This is not to say that score was crap as Danny Elfman actually bossed it (as per) when it did kick in and some of the tunes that are involved are amazing and honestly, the only reason that I stayed in the cinema.

This film it meant to be about chemistry amongst other things, and there just wasn’t any there. Also, a completely petty point, but Jamie (Mr Grey) has really strange thumbs- they look more like a big toe, and for a person who doesn’t really like feet, having mutant toe-hands blown up on the screen is not ideal.

Celestial music is played when Ana is placed on a cross for sexytime. Now, in all honesty I found this super awkward to watch, along with the shots used it just made for a super cheesy and cliché scene.

The accuracy of the film is also a little off; I know it’s yet again a minor point. But if you’re aiming to make a box-office smash hit, PLEASE MAKE IT ACCURATE.

So my point is: audiences are allowed to read the characters texts Hollyoaks-style. Yet - Mr Grey has an iphone. Check. And Ana has a beat up old phone (not a smartphone of any sort). Check. So the colour of the text should be green right? WRONG. Its blue and blue is for imessages in my mind. I don’t know why this tiny detail bugs me so much, but it does.  SORT IT OUT.

However, it has to be said that in its first week it did smash it in the cinema, but whether people enjoyed it or not is another matter.

I don’t know if I noticed these petty things in the first place because I found the film that boring, or if others picked up on it? (If you’ve watched it please let me know).

Overall- I certainly wouldn’t watch it again, but for those of you who do wanna see it- go for it & get it out of your system!

I realise this isn’t really a constructive review- but I have nothing to say but rant, so sorry ‘bout that.

Let me know your opinions on the film by email or comment.

Monday, 9 February 2015


BAFTAsBAFTAsBAFTAs BAFTAsBAFTAsBAFTAsBAFTAsBAFTAsBAFTAsBAFTAsBAFTAsBAFTAs. This is what has been going through my head recently.

So I hope that some of you watched it last night in all its glory.

The one thing I really like about the BAFTAs is that while it’s considered a super prestigious award, it hasn’t got all the prestigious bullshit like some of its neighbouring awards.  Because of that, it’s actually worth a watch. If you don't know much about the nominees from this year, have a look at this.

As per, the glamorous and talented (and the not-so) were out in force last night for the awards, and thankfully the BBC televised the whole darn lot. Mum and I took over the living room- blankets, tea and rainbow-drops everywhere; and it was ruddy marvellous.

Everybody was looking so fancy in their dresses and suits (who cannot love a man in a suit) & it was nice to see that all the stops were pulled out. Stephen Fry was on top form as usual with his witty comments and sexual advances, and actually was a fairly decent host in comparison to some hosts in previous years. He did particularly well not to do a JohnTravolta!

However, it has to be said that none of the award winners were really a surprise, apart from the odd few. So in that retrospect, it was a little disappointing, although it must be said that all of the awards were extremely well deserved.  You can find a full list of the nominees and winners here. I won’t put it here in case you lovelies haven’t watched it yet.

The acceptance speeches were a little emosh. this year, like way more than normal. We had a few watery eyes, and A LOT of mentions of mums and dads. (The whole mum and dad thing surprised me, as most people stick to their spouse, kids, agents and directors etc.) And BLESS EDDIE REDMAYNE, you could see him shaking from a mile off!

Unfortunately I missed all the hype on Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr and Facebook as the internet on my phone conked out which was BALLS. In previous years I’ve found that getting involved on these platforms is half the fun! Readers, I ask you to look at all of your standard social media outlets and just get lost in the BAFTA hype,  get chatting, discussing or even arguing with fellow BAFTA nerds. It’s so.

All in all this year’s BAFTAs were wonderful as usual, with some really deserving winners. If you missed it, and want to watch it in all its glory, click the link.



Tuesday, 3 February 2015


Firstly, I'd like to apologise as I've neglected this for a few weeks. BUT. I'M BACK.  I wrote this a few weeks ago, but never posted it- so, enjoy.

You know what?  I sodding love Tumblr.

For those of you who have not stumbled across Tumblr – have you been living under a rock ?!! Even if you don’t have your own page, you can trawl through others- seriously go look up something of interest to you- believe me you’ll get hooked!

The thing with Tumblr is you can actually say what you think and nobody gives a damn. Unlike Facebook or Twitter where if people post about life, you generally just scroll through thinking “what an attention seeking whore.”  On Tumblr- you can do that, and you’re generally going to get a lot of other people supporting your views or making you chuckle, and that’s bloody amazing.

It’s like, when you want to get obsessive over something, have a rant, ask questions, post about life or whatever-  you can, and it’s totally fine! You don’t tend to get judged on Tumblr, you’re more likely to be commended. Therefore looking and reposing a million pictures of your celebrity crush is totally acceptable and I like that a lot.

I mean if you can’t post/search numerous pictures of Dan Smith from Bastille, Nico Mirallegro, Matt Lewis or Douglas Booth to name but a few on a website to help you procrastinate from whatever you are actually meant to be doing and have fellow fans obsess over them with you- well, what is the darn point of the internet?!?

The thing I really love is the support you can get when posting your thoughts, because it makes you realise that you’re not as weird as you once thought you were!

For example- when I posted about the fact I was pissed that my housemate broke my fibre-optic Christmas tree- a darling “Anon” commented that I should “melt candy canes in their eyes to show them the true meaning of Christmas” as way of revenge. While a little sadistic, it did make me smile- notgonnalie.

Another thing with the conversational element of Tumblr is that you can ask questions and people will tell you the outright truth (which is sometimes a bit harsh, yet refreshing.) People aren’t afraid to tell you that you’ve been a dick or that you done the right thing…. I mean I’ve asked questions like:

1.       Q. Is it wrong that I enjoy driving with my subs on- resulting in me looking like a total prick?

A.      As long as you’re under 30 its fine. (Apparently)

2.       Q. Was it wrong to make out with some guy for 3 Jagerbombs and a packet of Mini Cheddars?

A.      No, as long as it was a big packet of Mini Cheddars. (Yes it was)

3.       Q. Is it strange that I find Tom Jones mildly attractive?

A.      Nope, he’s a silver fox. (True story bro.)

4.       Q. Was I too harsh- getting revenge on my housemates in crazy ways for weeks of not washing their stuff up?

A.      You need to calm down. (You don’t understand.)


5.       Q. Does anybody else get really irritated by all the 13yr old boys dressing like Joey sodding Essex?

A.      I think it’s cute ( R E A L L Y ?!?!?!)


6.       Q. Does anybody else still enjoy climbing trees?

A.      Yes. (It’s the best thing.)



As well as other probing questions…


But sometimes you just need to get these things off of your chest!


It’s also great for getting into/ expressing film and TV fandoms (I love a good fandom) OH SO MANY GIFS,  and witty comments! I’ve got so much time for witty comments..

It also lets you find out what your friends are really thinking ( Although this can result in a lot of arguments! God, 6th form was a bitch-fest.) But if you can’t come to irrational conclusions through irrelevant posts- you’re missing the point of being a teenage girl right?


So really Tumblr can be a wonderful thing, as well as a steppingstone to mayhem. So proceed with caution. But enjoy.

Monday, 12 January 2015

The Theory Of Everything.

I saw this film last week and you know what? Its bloomin marvellous.

Its part biopic and part love story about the life of Steven Hawking. Starring Felicity Jones and Eddie Redmayne with a wonderful supporting cast featuring names such as David Thewlis and Maxine Peake amongst others.

I think it may be one of the best films I’ve seen in years, that’s why I urge you all to go and see it. (or just go make the most out of Orange Wednesdays before they finish).  You become totally enraptured by the film when watching it, unlike many films where you may find yourself thinking- crap, I wonder if I closed the bathroom window, or- ah man, I need a wee- and I’m in the middle of the row, shit, people are going to hate me.  YOUR BLADDER WILL WAIT FOR THIS FILM.

The film is well produced and brilliantly scripted. However I really think that it is the cast that carries the film.  Eddie Redmayne is amazing! One of the best performances I’ve seen. He really transforms into Steven Hawking and truly deserves the Golden Globe for best actor that he got last night.  After watching a few of the promos on Film 4, I learnt that he (Eddie) created a chart for each scene- marking the decline of muscular control in order to ensure for continuity and reality. I’ll tell ya what, it sodding worked. It was really brilliantly played. YOU GO EDDIE!

I enjoyed the fact that it was not portrayed as a sob-story, the lead character was exactly that- the lead; not some shrivelling form of a character. Considering the content, this was really nice to see.

However, just to warn you, it may not be a “I feel sorry for you” sort of emotional, but it is a “dear god, what is the meaning of life” sort of emotional. I cried, and I never cry – the most you’ll get is a watery eye. So if it can move somebody with the emotional capacity of a clock, well good luck to those of you who cry normally!

The cinematography and score are on a whole other level, and they complement it really well- the thing that is great with this film is that it doesn’t lack in any form, which, recently, I have found a fair few films doing.

I can’t really explain any more without ruining the film, but it really is a wonderful film, so go and see it, let me know what you think.

Monday, 5 January 2015

50 Shades.

Most of you are probably thinking… you’re two years too late for this love. You know what? You’re probably right.

I thought I would give it a read anyway so see what all the hype is about, and to be honest I didn’t find it that amazing. If all you want is an easy read- go for it, it’s not mentally tedious, and is fairly simple.

I’m guessing most of you know vaguely what it’s about, and if not basically, it’s meant to be an erotic love story. Let me tell you more…

You can seem to get all three (it’s a trilogy) in special offers at various places which makes it pretty cost effective. Or, you can do what I did- and pop into your local charity shop… I managed to get all three for £2.25!  I mean you might have to deal with the awkward conversation between you and the person behind the till –which is normally along the lines of

Them: “ooo that looks nice, good bargain that! I could do with this myself”. Me:Haha yeah it’s nice isn’t it.” then *awkward stare at the floor. However with these particular books you may have to deal with- as I did -

Them:“ooo I love those books, the second book is so much better. It’s soo good some of my pages have got stuck together” *wink.   Me: ”ah, erm, right, ha” then *throw up in mouth, and rush home to Dettol surfaces of book. 

So if you don’t mind these awkward comments, have a gander round the charity shops to see what you can find.

As for the book itself – I’ve only read the first one so far, and it’s wayyy more tame than I expected. I think I expected so much more because there was so much hype around the book and its apparent raunchiness, but to be honest I was a little disappointed, there wasn’t that much- and I’ve read worse. Another element that it was lacking in was the whole story line- it seemed to be quite jumpy and didn’t have much to it. To be fair, it is stemmed from a Twilight Fanfic- so what can you expect (oooo burrrrnn). One thing that I didn’t really get that a lot of my friends who have read it seem to go on about is the ‘love story’ element of the book- I wouldn’t count it as a ‘love story’- more like a ‘psychotic controlling stalker- story’. I’m just saying- if you were in a relationship like that (go and read the book to know what I’m on about) - and think it’s normal. Well. Then. You have issues. You should really… RUN FOR THE BLOODY HILLS AND NEVER LOOK BACK.

The thing with this book is that people make assumptions as soon as they see the cover because it has so much hype around it. People WILL judge you for reading it- I can’t even begin to describe the judgmental glares on the tube, you know that they are all thinking “ oooo, know what she’s reading about…”. However it wasn’t that that got me, it was my friends and family who haven’t read the book that seemed to be the most ‘opinionated’ about me reading it (or maybe they were just the ones who told me what they really thought, so be prepared). And what did they think I hear you ask. Well. Apparently, if you read this book, and are a single 20-something. YOU ARE A SEX-FIEND.

I beg to differ.

Another reason that I wanted to read this book was because it is being turned into a film. (Being released on Valentine’s day- urrgh.) I wanted to know how they would do this without it basically being up-market porn, and to be honest, I still don’t know.

Really, who is going to see it? I just think it’s going to be a massive flop. You’re not gonna go with your mates to see it, or your significant other, or on a date, and if you go on your own that’s just a little strange. The only way that I think it could save itself it though DVD sales and merch, but that’s still pushing it.

So dear readers, if you want to read something senselessly easy with mild bits of story line and sexual imagery, go for it. This is the book for you. However if you want something with more ummph to it, avoid it like the plague.

Let me know what your views about the book and its transformation to film are, write a comment or drop me an email. I’m interested in hearing your views. I’ll let you know what I think of the other two books in duration.